Give the Gift of Hungry Rats

In 2010, Santa’s bringing you a violent tale of cold and callous murder.
In 2010, Santa’s bringing you Hungry Rats.
Also suitable for Chanukah, Kwanzaa, New Years, Chinese New Years, and other holidays.

Why would you want to give a gift like this at such a festive time of year?

Well… why does dark, strong coffee taste so good with cakes and pumpkin pie? This is the holiday season, but it’s also the coldest, darkest time of year. Sooner or later that sun is going to go down, and your loved ones might as well curl up with a Gothic teen noir tale spawned in the rancid depths of America’s beleaguered middle.

COMING SOON: Versions of the novel will be available in eBook and Amazon Kindle format. Stay tuned for more on these 21st century reading options!

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