THE APOTHEOSIS OF EVERYBOT, a novel by Connor Coyne




Cover design by Sam Perkins-Harbin /


a free serial novel

Okay, I’m going to take a stab at this.
I usually like to refine an idea for a bit longer before putting it out there, but everything is upside-down, so why not try?
If I think it’s good and people are reading it, I’ll keep going.
If I think it sucks, or if nobody is reading it, I’ll find a better use of my time. (Nothing personal, but “virtue isn’t everything, so don’t waste time.”)

THE CONCEPT: A serial novel, with a chapter released maybe, I don’t know, once per month, starting on Friday 1/20/2017 and continuing approximately through November 2020 or January 2021, depending on circumstances.

THE STORY: Two robotic engineers — one brilliant and filled with Messianic intentions, and one passionate and Machiavellian — create nine sentient robots to help humanity survive the 21st century.

However, in a social milieu that turns truth into lies and lies into entertainment, in an emergent dog-eat-dog political order, in which the leader of the land is a greedy narcissist with fascist tendencies, one of the scientists goes rogue and reprograms eight of the nine robots to take over the world.

The “good doctor” teams up with the remaining robot to restore order. But order on whose behalf? Who is good and who is evil? What are machines made for and what are our cultural institutions but the machinery of human society? In which order should our heroes(?) fight their robotic opponents? And, to quote Pontius Pilate, “what is truth?”



Chapter One

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