Urbantasm to be published!

This is an exciting day for me… crackling with excitement, in fact!

After years of writing and revising and months of preparations I am so very happy to announce that Urbantasm, my novel about Flint, will be published in four installments.  The first book will be titled Urbantasm: The Dying City and will be available on September 22nd, 2018.

Detailed information is available at http://urbantasm.com.

Urbantasm  is a four-book magical romantic novel about cities, youth, poverty, violence, love, and sunglasses.

Thirteen-year-old John Bridge’s immediate plans include hooking up with an eighth-grade girl and becoming one of the most popular kids at Radcliffe Junior High, but when he steals a pair of blue sunglasses from a homeless person, it drops him into the middle of a gang war overwhelming the once-great Rust Belt town of Akawe.

John doesn’t understand why the sunglasses are such a big deal, but everything, it seems, is on the table. Perhaps he accidentally offended the Chalks, a white supremacist gang trying to expand across the city. Maybe the feud involves his friend Selby, whose father died under mysterious circumstances. It could even have something to do with O-Sugar, a homegrown drug with the seeming ability to distort space. On the night before school began, a group of teenagers took O-Sugar and leapt to their deaths from an abandoned hospital.

John struggles to untangle these mysteries while adjusting to his new school, even as his parents confront looming unemployment and as his city fractures and burns.

A lot is going to be happening in the next year, but I’m very excited about this announcement today and I’d like to kick it all off with a bang!  I am also posting this announcement on Facebook (http://facebook.com/connorcoyne), Twitter (http://twitter.com/connorcoyne), and my website (http://connorcoyne.com/blog).  I am asking you to share any of these announcements via social media with the #urbantasm.

The first ten people to do this will receive a free copy of Urbantasm: The Dying City once it is published.
After that, everyone else who shares will be entered in a drawing to receive one of another ten copies of Urbantasm: The Dying City.
Finally, if we get to 100 shares, I will be giving away a Get Flint Gift Bag with Flint merch and goodies and a $100 value.

Thank you so much for joining me on this incredible journey.  I am breathless with excitement for the days to come!

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