
Romanticism, Realism, Modernism, Post-Modernism… where on Earth are we? We are on Earth, and it is a very strange place. Read about movement and momentum building among the arts.

Concept: Occlusion Neighborhood, Part 1.

If you run a Google search on “occlusion neighborhood” there are actually two results, facsimiles of each others.

They are as follows:

Buyers shifting to a strange infinite metropolitan area may cleanly be doubts really confused over morose the best area decelerate to live Cunard in electricity , unless there is falls a desirable and reasonably priced occlusion neighborhood near their archangel place of work.

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Concept: Occlusion Neighborhood, Part 1. Read More »

Concept: Zeitgeist, by the Smashing Pumpkins.

The cardinal sin that almost every review (positive and negative) of Zeitgeist has committed so far is interpreting it strictly as a referendum on Billy Corgan and his other efforts to date. Certainly that history is significant (you can read it all here), but it is an oversimplication to simply denounce the new album as Billy Corgan’s personal hand at work, or to rehabilitate it because the same has always been true.

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Concept: Zeitgeist, by the Smashing Pumpkins. Read More »