Letter to the Editor: Determination and Discretion


I just sent a Letter to the Editor of the Flint Journal.

It’s nothing new to most of you…

This is the letter to which I respond:

Bush Always the Right Man


Here is my letter:


Brenda Harris’ posted a compelling letter Wednesday in favor of President Bush. She says he’s been steadfast in the face of “unpopular political hurricane winds.” She should be commended for her passion and sincerity. Unfortunately, her rationale is misguided.

Republicans have insisted on taking Kerry’s Iraq votes out-of-context in attempt to draw attention away from the White House’s more perilous contradictions. Harris writes that “this president intuitively knows ‘9/11 changed forever how Americans must think.'” Evidence argues the opposite.

Why would we have alienated our few allies in Iraq by awarding a no-bid contract to Halliburton if our designs there were not economic?

Why would we have backed out of a non-proliferation treaty if nuclear proliferation was a huge concern?

Likewise, why wouldn’t we agree to a chemical weapons ban if condemning use of such weapons ourselves?

Why would we shift attention and resources away from Afghanistan, Iran, and North Korea, which are proven threats if winning the War on Terror is our highest priority?

Why would we pass tax breaks in wartime, a folly avoided by every past president, Democrat and Republican, if we really supported our military?

These choices all rest upon our president’s head.

Determination and resolve are qualities found in every good leader. But frankly, determination and resolve are also found in many mediocre and bad leaders. A good leader must also possess a sense of discretion and restraint. I cannot believe that our president “intuitively” understands our times; his reckless and short-sighted administration has endangered America with its unilateral and inflexible policies while neglecting the most tangible threats. He has scattered our resources, strained our military, and divided the American people more than the winds of any hurricane in Florida or Harris’ letter.

Kerry’s strength is determination and resolve tempered by discretion and restraint. His voting record is not that of a man who is weak, but a man who learns and grows and adapts to changing circumstances. Republicans would have you think this election is defined by Kerry’s inability to speak clearly. It is defined, rather, by Bush’s unwillingness to listen. Because sometimes a president must listen. So listen carefully for the voice beneath the hurricane winds of the spin machine, and vote for Kerry this November.

Connor Coyne

Flushing Township

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