Event: Six Years Later.

from bill-in-portland-maine:

Most of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, yet that country has paid no price for producing and harboring terrorists. Neither has Pakistan, the country in which Osama bin Laden is now hiding.

The PDB said: Bin Laden determined to Strike in U.S.

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. 9/11 had nothing to do with Iraq.

Sitting in a classroom for seven minutes after being told “America is under attack” is a poor display of leadership, especially if you’re America’s president.

If the administration had tried to sell the Iraq war based on anything other than the fear of weapons of mass destruction, we never would have invaded.

Colin Powell, the most trusted man in the administration, said: “My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we’re giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence.”

There were no WMDs. Not “in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat,” and not even in the Oval Office “somewhere.”

Four and a half years after declaring that “major combat operations have ended,” major combat operations have not ended.

Taunting the insurgents by sneering “Bring ’em on” was really dumb because the insurgents brought it on.

The insurgency wasn’t “in its last throes” then, and it isn’t in its last throes now.

The Taliban has bounced back in Afghanistan. The Maliki government has flatlined in Iraq.

Osama bin Laden has not been caught, either dead or alive. He is still making videos.

And here’s a bonus from Bill Maher:

New Rule: If you were surprised that the Chinese don’t care about toy safety, then the child who needs protecting is you. Over the last couple of months, American consumers have been learning a shocking lesson about supply and demand: if you demand products that don’t cost anything, people will make them out of poison, mud and shit. … They don’t care if your precious little Britney sucks a little lead. Because in China, their kids aren’t playing with the toys, they’re the ones in the factory all day making them. …

In America, there is nothing more sacred than a bargain. And that even includes the war. Yeah, there’s too much lead in the kids’ toys, but not nearly enough on the Humvees in Iraq. “Let’s have a war and cut taxes; what could go wrong?” “Let’s give mortgages to the homeless. Sounds like a plan.” “Let’s buy toys from a Communist police state. You just know they’ll put in a little extra love.”

Speaking of which, you know why today’s modern Chinese capitalist puts lead in the paint that goes on toys? Because it makes colors brighter. You’ve got to love America, a country that’s literally being killed by the stuff that makes objects shiny.

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