30 <250-Word Stories in 30 Days (#15/30) : Easter Egg

1. Buy a DVD
2. Scan the beach with metal detector until you have obtained multiple pieces of colored glass.
3. Devise a cypher.
4. Start a social networking meme.
5. Read the Bible.
6. Make a JPop and Electroclash compilation.
7. Salvage metal scrap from dumpsters and junk yards (do not lift it illegally from peoples’ houses).
8. Write a poem.
9. Eat a pomegranate.
10. Read the Upanishad.
11. Out Oulipo Oulipo.
12. Fuse glass pieces to firm metal pieces to make an artistically meaningful lampshade.
13. Melt wax onto recycled newsprint so that letters inscribe your poem in code.
14. Read the phone book.
15. Build a circuit board such that electrical resistance builds up considerable quantities of heat.
16. Meet the surviving decendents of Lyndon Baynes Johnson for coffee and significant conversation.
17. Insert and coil wiring into a column fitted with a socket and light bulb. Attach lampshade to make a lovely and full-functioning lamp.
18. Collate.
19. Read your poem by the light of the lamp.
20. Internet search your DVD and access all available Easter Eggs.

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